This workshop is a satellite meeting of the 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-24) held on Jan 24 through Jan 29, 2021 as v virtual conference. It follows the tradition of the series of the last fourteen International Workshops on Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Reactor Materials (H-Workshop) that were organized as satellite workshops to PSI conferences. As its predecessors it is intended as a platform for experts in the field to present and discuss the latest scientific results. To fulfill its scope as a workshop ample time for discussion will be provided. The workshop will focus on experiments and modeling of hydrogen isotope interactions with fusion-reactor materials with particular emphasis on fuel balance in reactors and the development of tritium removal techniques.
Topics to be addressed include:
Hydrogen isotope recycling, migration, retention, and release from fusion reactor materials and co-deposited layers
Tritium removal techniques
Influence of plasma impurities and seeded impurities on fuel retention
Influence of neutron damage on hydrogen retention in materials
​International Program Committee
Francesco Ghezzi (IFP, CNR, Milano, Italy)
Ahmed Hassanein (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA)
Yuji Hatano (Toyama University, Japan)
Kalle Heinola (IAEA, Vienna, Austria)
Jiansheng Hu (IPP, CAS, Hefei, China)
Wolfgang Jacob (IPP Garching, Germany)
Alexander Pisarev (MEPhi, Moscow, Russia)
Marek Rubel (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
Robert Kolasinski (Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA)
Local Organizing Committee
Suk-Ho Hong (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, Workshop Chair)
Hyungho Lee (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
Byeongchan Lee (Kyunghee Univ.)
Keonwook Kang (Yonsei Univ.)
Takuji Oda (Seoul National Univ.)
Soo-Hyun Son (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)