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Important Dates

  • April 1, 2021 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline


  • April 12, 2021 Author Notification


  • May 21, 2021 Deadline for Registration

  • May 27-28, Virtual Workshop (Q & A and discussion session)


Abstract Submission

The abstract must be written in English and its length is limited to 1 page. The page setup is A4 size with a 1-inch margin on all sides. The body of the abstract should be in Times Roman 12-point type with single line spacing and justified margins. Please spell out acronyms when they are first used.


Please identify the individual in the list of authors that will be presenting this abstract at the HWS 2020 meeting by putting the individual’s name in BOLD.


Duplication of PSI-24 abstract should be strictly avoided. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee members, and those with too much overlap with PSI-24 abstracts will be rejected.


E-mail your completed abstract to


Abstract template can be downloaded from HERE.

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